A wonderful, action-packed, magical adventure about a lovable, but sneaky scoundrel, written by my good buddy and brilliant author Alex Bell. Now if you've read either of Alex's previous two books* this one's a little different [but still carries Alex's inimitable style]. You can read an extract here
Law student Lex Trent’s world is inhabited by fearsome magicians, ageing crones and a menagerie of Gods and Goddesses. And while Lex is seemingly dedicated to his legal studies he’s always enjoyed a challenge – which is why he leads a double life as the notorious cat burglar ‘The Shadowman’ who has been (luckily) evading capture for years.
But Lex’s luck is about to run out because the Goddess of Fortune has selected him to be her player in the highly dangerous Games. Losing is not an option for Lex (particularly as it so often involves dying) but can he really win each of the perilous rounds? Given that the reward for doing so is money, fame and glory – all things that Lex is quite keen on – he’s going to do whatever it takes to make sure he will... and he’s certainly got good experience of cheating.

!!!Happy Book Birthday, Alex!!!
To be entered into the giveaway, please leave a comment wishing Alex and Lex a Happy Book Birthday. Giveaway closes end of day [UK time] 10th February. Open to all.
I've been invited to submit a short story** to an anthology! Yay! *major happy dancing here* But happy dancing aside, it's been a few years since I've written a short, so thinking up a plot to fit in with the word count has given me some sleepless nights . . . but I think I've 'cracked' it now :-). The story will be a Spellcrackers.com job that Genny and Finn take on, and it will involve a pack of mischievous pixies, probably some dangerous vampires [since most of what Genny does involves vampires :-)], and [...deleted]. I'm really looking forward to writing it.
* Reasons: finish writing The Bitter Seed of Magic, the holidays, family stuff, day job stuff, and reading - more on the reading later hopefully
**more details once I've written the story, and had it accepted. Sorry for all the teasing :-)
**more details once I've written the story, and had it accepted. Sorry for all the teasing :-)
Happy Birthday Alex and Lex and many more to come! :D
Happy birthday to both Alex and Lex! tWarner419@aol.com
Happy book birthday to Alex and Trent, and of course not forgetting Happy Birthday to Moose as well :)
I of course don't need the book, seeing as I have a personalised proof :)
Congrats on the short story, can't wait to hear the details.
- Neil.
Happy Birthday Alex and Lex! Many happy returns!
Happy book birthday Alex and Lex! :)
First - Happy Birthday Alex and Trent!
(is this open for people on my side of the pond?)
Second - I'm excited about Bitter Seed of Magic. I'm looking forward to when you have six or so books, and I can sit around re-reading them all.
Third - Wonderful about the short story. I'd buy an anthology book just for one of your stories.
Fourth - Is your head swelling yet? lifting you off the ground? (lol)
I really am looking forward to your novel and short story. :)
Amanda & Tetewa: Thanks for the Birthday wishes :-)
Neil: Thanks for the congrats, and yes, Happy Birthday to Moose too :-)
Host & Austenfan: Thanks for the Birthday wishes :-)
Mardel: Yes, giveaway is open to your side of the pond :-) Thanks so much for all your lovely comments - very much appreciated - good job I didn't read them this morning, else I wouldn't be able to get out the door to do my errands with my swollen head *g*
Happy happy birthday Alex and Lex!
Congrats on the success of the novel, I've heard nothing but praise for Lex Trent vs The Gods. :D
And congrats to you for the short story! :)
happy birthday and keep up the great work
A Happy Book Birthday to Alex & Lex
Congrats on the sucess of your book xx
Many Happy Book Birthday Returns!
Alex & Lex
Happy Birthday Alex and Lex!
To Alex and Lex a Happy Book Birthday x
A happy book birthday indeed Alex!!!
I've read Jasmine and loved it.
All the best for the short story.
Please enter me if it's still 10th in the U.K
Neverwhere: Thanks for the congrats from both of us, Neverwhere :-) Lex is a great read!
Tracey: Thanks, Tracey, and thanks for dropping by :-)
Coistycat: Thanks for the congrats, Coistycat ... and maybe check the winner's post . . . just saying *g*
Emily13: Many thanks, Emily :-)
R F Long: *waves* and thanks :)
Sherieannb: Thanks for the good wishes, Sherieannb :-)
Violet: Jasmyn is a fab read, as is Lex, thanks for your good wishes to both of us, and for dropping by :-)
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