The Next Big Thing . . . (and a tree!)

I've been tagged (twice!) as part of The Next Big Thing so watch this space next week, but until then why not check out these fab posts by my fellow writers and taggers - aka the amazing Sarah Pinborough, talking about Mayhem and the wonderful Helen Hollick, talking about Ripples in the Sand.

And, for a bit of fun, here's a picture of a tree! And a poll!  

Picture copyright Suzanne McLeod

Which Spellcrackers book does this tree appear in? free polls 

Go on, click a button, you know you want to . . . *g*


Ailsa said...

That is an excellent tree! So interesting :)
I need to do a re-read, I can't remember which book it's from, but all my books are at home!


Suzanne McLeod said...

It's a great tree! *whispers* It's down on the Victoria Embankment in the gardens there . . . :-)

Hope you're having a fab time over there!

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