I have to admit that I'm not much for horror movies [I'm more the wussy type that hides behind cushions] so I haven't seen many zombie flicks. But I recently read this ...

. . . and while I wasn't so much scared [it's much easier to turn your imagination off when reading the gory bits, than when watching LOL!] this book really got to me; at one point the tears were streaming down my face [I can't tell you where cos that would be spoilerish]. Darn that Carrie Ryan for writing such a brilliant book *has jealous moment now the tears have gone*.
Now I don't have zombies in the Spellcrackers.com books [or at least none have shown up yet!] but in The Cold Kiss of Death, Genny is being haunted by a ghost, which is definitely a spine-crawling problem for her since she suffers from Phasmophobia [Fear of Ghosts].
But back to the zombies and this week's contest.

All you have to do to win one of these two giveaways is leave me a comment telling me what your favourite zombie fiction, TV or film. Contest ends end of day [anywhere] Thursday 18th June 2009.
I comment = 1 entry
Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and win yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry
Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!
x/posted to my LJ: leave a comment here or there.
Watch the creepy book trailer for the book ...
* with promises of large amounts of brains ... err chocolate!
I comment = 1 entry
Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and win yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry
Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!
x/posted to my LJ: leave a comment here or there.
Watch the creepy book trailer for the book ...
* with promises of large amounts of brains ... err chocolate!
Great giveaway! Unfortunately, I've not yet read any zombie specific urban fantasy yet.. though there may be some in my TBR pile. The Forest of Hands and Teeth isn't though. However, zombies do feature in Jeaniene Frost's third Night Huntress series novel, At Grave's End, and it was FANTASTIC! Cat at her most strongest, if you ask me. Brilliant book!
I tweeted about this giveaway:
I've linked to this giveaway in my contests section on my blog (right sidebar):
My favorite Zombie movies are Shaun of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead. Cool contest.
*last man on earth-vincent price
*i am legend from the 70's
*white zombie
pop finds good movies on you tube and archive.org.
Wow another great contest! I won't be dissapointed if I lose this one, since I just won the last one...I think I'd feel bad if I won, lol, but I'm entering anyway because I'd really love to read both the books that are up for grabs!
My favorite zombie fiction would have to be in the Anita Black vampire hunter books, the zombies are so great! I haven't read much zombie fiction, and haven't seen a great Zombie flick in a long time.
jennilovevirgo AT aol DOT com
Posted to my twitter!
Also posted to my blog!
Oooh. The movie I Am Legend was good, but I am also really enjoying the book The Rising by Brian Keene right now! And I loved Shaun of the Dead!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
my fave is shawn of the dead. hilariously funny
Another Shaun of the Dead fan here! But I did just read You are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay and enjoyed it!
wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
I think Resident Evil: Apocalypse was a good zombie movie. I never got shawn of the dead...
I liked Invasion of the Body Snatchers Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite was really the first. Night of the Living Dead. Nothing else even comes close
Wow, fantastic giveaway! Favorite zombies? Well, nothing quite matches the Dead trilogy plus the original so all 4 George Romero movies. He's the King!
I have been wanting to read Forest of hands and Teeth for awhile now so would be great to win it.
espressogurl at hotmail dot com
I haven't read any zombie book. Only movie I can think of is "pet Sematery". There's a zombie cat, hope that counts enough to be entered.
calcamanin at gmail dot com
Hmmm, my favorite zombie fiction is probably the Resident Evil movies. I watch them whenever they come on cable.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
My favorite would have to be Shaun of the Dead. It's flat out funny.
1bmore @ gmail . com
It has to be Shaun of the Dead. Hilarious!
Please count me in on the giveaway
I'd say Shaun of the Dead is my favorite.
My favorite zombie movie is Dawn of the Dead! tWarner419@aol.com
Jo: At Grave's End is in my tbr pile, I'm looking forward to it :-) Thanks for the links!
BreiaB: Thanks for dropping by, SotD seems to be a big favourite :-)
anny32: I am Legend from the 70's? I think that's the Omega Man with Charlton Heston, isn't it? Great film. Thanks for entering :-)
jennilovevirgo: Thanks for the shout outs, Jenni, and yep the Anita Blake series has fab [and scary!] zombies :-)
nfmgirl: The Rising by Brian Keene's a new one for me. I will have to check it out. Thanks for the links :-)
jemscout425: Another SotD Fan! Yay! Thanks for entering :-)
Wendy: You are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay - This looks like a great book and I love the cover. Thanks for dropping by :-)
chichaihana: Resident Evil: Apocalypse - I've been too much of a wuss to watch any of the RE films yet. Maybe one day. Thanks for dropping by :-)
A Reader [Kimspam66]: Invasion of the Body Snatchers - again I haven't watched this, I'm really wussy when it comes to films :-) Thanks for entering.
SkipMDMan: Night of the Living Dead - Maybe one day I pluck up enough courage to watch this one too! Thanks for dropping by :-)
AllyKatt: TFoH&T is a great book, thanks for entering :-)
Calca: "pet Sematery" - Now any film to do with Stephen King scares me silly :-) Thanks for entering!
Dawn M: Another RE fan! Yay! Thanks for dropping by :-)
Belinda: Another SotD fan *g* Thanks for entering :-)
NatalieT: And another! Shaun Rocks! Thanks for dropping by :-)
elaing8: And yet another Shaun/zombie fan! I'm really going to have to watch this film again without the cushion barricade *g* Thanks for the comment :-)
tetewa: Dawn of the Dead - Too scary for me :-) Thanks for entering!
I have to say my favorite zombie movies is Pet Sematary. That counts right? The zombies are animals, but still zombies. Creepy!
What a fun thing to do! Great contest!
As much as I hate it, I love " Thirty Days of Night", the movie. I can't stop watching it over and over and over...
madamerkf at aol dot com
Dawn of the Dead
hahaha shaun of the dead is awesome! you just got me to wanting to watching it again :D
a zombie kit? for the zombie apocalypse of course!! :)
I'm not big on scary movies either, too big of a wimp but you have to watch Shaun of the Dead! It's hilarious! SImon Pegg is just too cute. :)
Oh! Coincidently I watched Night of the Dead and Dawn of the Dead last Monday! I liked Night much better, while both are bloody, Dawn is seriously graphic and goory, but both were good.
And I watched them by MYSELF! Which was surprising and kinda great 'cause, you know, I'm a wimp. *g* Love zombies, though!
One of my favorite zombie movies in 28 Days Later --- English flick about a guy with a head injury who wakes up in a hospital and the whole world around him catches a virus and has been zombiefied (even the dogs - ewww!). Or an oldie is the Omega Man --- hooded zombies with white eyes who can't tolerate the sun (kind of remade with I Am Legend).
Dottie :)
(update your contest on my blog - http://myblog2point0.blogspot.com/)
Vicki: Thanks for entering, Pet Sematary counts :-) I haven't seen it, but then anything with Stephen King it usually too creepy for me LOL!
Melissa: Great you like it! Thank you for dropping by :-)
Wendy: I saw the trailers for " Thirty Days of Night", and thought it looked a really scary film, even from behind a cushion :-) Kudos for you for watching it over and over *shudders*
techyone: Dawn of the Dead! More of the scary :-) Thanks for commenting.
robin_titan: The zombie kit's great, my friend bought me one for xmas LOL! Thanks for stopping by.
Wendy: I'm going to have to watch SotD soon with all these great comments :-) Although watching it by MYSELF is probably not wise with my level of wimp, so wow! I'm impressed you managed to watch the others on your own. Thanks for entering.
Dottie: 28 Days Later, I haven't seen it, but I did hear it had two endings, one good and one nasty ... but the Omega Man was great [I can't bring myself to watch I am Legend because of the dog *sigh*] Thanks for the updated link :-)
Oh, I would love to be entered. I'm not too up on my zombies. I read some of the Zombie Haiku book and that was fun, and I've seen some of Shaun of the Dead on TV (it was great, I need to see more) but that's about it SO FAR..but I do plan on reading a lot of zombie books in the near future.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Hey Suzanne, what a great giveaway! :-) Please enter me! :-)I have no idea how to get a specific URL from Twitter (SA Newbie here), but I tweeted it there ( Very cool giveaway from @Suzanne_McLeod! http://bit.ly/mhCAR) and on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/reqs.php#/pages/Davebrendons-Fantasy-Sci-Fi-Weblog/72475727653?ref=mf so please enter me! :-)
Damn forgot something! :-( Zombie fiction: Patient Zero by Jonathan Maberry, hands down, awesome! Film would have to be Dawn of the Dead, though if 28 Days Later was actually about zombies and not rage-filled people it would top Dawn of the Dead, and TV-wise haven't seen or heard of anything yet, but I do have the PDF of a TV-Pilot that never went into production, so I'll give that a read. :-)
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
This sounds right up my alley! And honestly, my all-time favorite zombie flick that still un-nerves me is Night of the Living Dead!
I've watched alot of zombie movies like all the Resident Evil's( resident evil 1,Apocalypse, extinction. Anita blake series has zombies in them. I always ask my friends and fam. "how do u kill a zombie" they just look at me like i'm crazy, i say "shot them in the head" lol
My favourite zombie movies are "Shaun of the Dead" and "I am Legend" and my favourite zombie book
atm is "Hater"
Great contest!!
Having seen many Zombie movies but liked the one I saw.
Night of the Living Dead
Please do enter me if international
I've not read any zombie fiction yet (although I did absolutely love Saun of the Dead!) so this could be the start of something new and wonderful.
My tweet: http://twitter.com/glowstars/status/2176801331
I am all about the Zombies. One of my favorite events all year is the Minneapolis Zombie Pub Crawl. As far as movies go, you can't go wrong with Dawn Of the Dead. Any of the Romero films. I am also a huge fan of the resident Evil Video Games. Good scary Zombie killing action. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Who would have thought that zombies could be popular? After reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I's a fan.
Night of the Living Dead is my favorite zombie movie.
I am Legend was a pretty good zombie movie (the book was much, much better).
I really loved Shaun of the Dead! Especially when he went to the convenience store in the beginning and didn't notice anything weird. Lol!
Tweeted! http://twitter.com/tornxnxfrayed/status/2190095561
Zombies are one of my favorite movie genres! Ohhh let's see...
Resident Evil movies--I turn to these for everything from comfort to eye candy. I was originally not very cool with them, but ah I saw the first one at 2am and immediately fell in love.
Dead Set--this is a british mini series that aired last october. Its...disturbing to say the least. Not the zombies so much as how the humans act.
Dawn of the Dead--the new one, with Sarah Polley. I admit to being a Sarah Polley fan and this remake of the classic isn't so bad.
28 Days/Weeks Later--while I don't really consider these true zombie films (they don't EAT the corpses after all) they are really good and are entertaining fun (or Cillian Murphy...those gorgeous gorgeous eyes...)
also I posted about this on my blog sidebar!
Shooting Stars Mag: I love that you're planning on reading a lot of zombie books in the future, hope it doesn't give you nightmares LOL! Thanks for entering, Lauren :-)
Dave: Thanks again for the links! I haven't read Patient Zero yet, but I've heard lots of good about it :-)
Mary: Thanks for dropping by, and I'm with you at being un-nerved with Night of the Living Dead :-)
fayeflame: Shoot them in the Head! Yep, that works LOL! Thanks for the blog shout out :-)
Michaela Deas: I've been meaning to look at Hater for a while now *makes note* Thanks, Michaela :-)
violetcrush: Yes the giveaway is international, so you're entered. Thanks for dropping by :-)
glowstars:Another SotD fan! Yay! Thanks for the links :-)
Nickolay: Wow! A zombie pub crawl sounds like mega fun *g* Thanks for dropping by :-)
jhalsall: I love the cover of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, but haven't got around to reading it yet. Thanks for entering :-)
CrystalGB: Night of the Living Dead looks like one to watch, if only I wasn't so wussy LOL! Thanks for dropping by :-)
Nicole D: I'm too worried about the dog in the I am Legend movie to watch it *sigh*. Thanks for entering.
Mishia: Thanks for the links, and Yay! for SotD :-)
Lexie: Resident Evil has eye candy? Now I want to watch [if I can pluck up enough courage LOL!] Thanks for the links :-)
the best zombie movie was "dawn of the dead" I liked the remake the best.. I know many did not like it but it was good for me!
I really liked Shaun of the Dead, too. As I am not too big on horror movies in general. But this was so funny.
I really love Mark Henry's Amanda Feral series..."Happy Hour of the Damned" and "Road Trip of the Living Dead."
Keeping my fingers crossed!
Hi :)
I'm not sure if I commented already, I thought I did, if I did then ignore this, if I didn't then don't ignore this.
My favorite zombie movie(s) would be the Resident Evil Trilogy *mila=yum*
Shaun of the Dead. OMG LOL
Day of the Dead with Simon Baker
Dawn of the Dead remake (sarah polley=yum)
28 Weeks Later (eye-gouging scene)
Fido LOL
Dawn of the Dead (original)
That's about all I can think of, which means those are the ones that stuck in my head. :)
Night of the Comet (fun)
Yes, that's it.
Thanks for the contest,
I'm dying to read THE COLD KISS OF DEATH.
I've heard raves about THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH, and would love to read that too.
Love From Canada
is it open worldwide? Cos then I am in, even if zombies scare me to death but so they should.
28 days later, scary!!! And Resident evil is pretty high up there too
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I really dug Shaun of the Dead, but my favorite zombie fiction right now is World War Z. Great book.
I've honestly never read a zombie book before and the only zombie movies I've seen are Dawn of the Dead and Shaun of the Dead lol... so out of the 2 I'd have to say Shaun of the Dead because I enjoy more of the comedy movies then anything
by the way... thank you for the contest!
I'm a sucker for Shaun of the Dead. That movie was brilliant! But I think Fido, a Canadian zombie movie, may be my favourite zombie fiction. It's such a quirky little movie and it's Canadian. :p
~ Popin
I've also left a link of your giveaway on my blog, it's on my sidebar.
Thanks again!
~ Popin
Shaun of the Dead, of course! It was so, so hilarious. I loved all of the zombie head bopping.
Tweet: http://twitter.com/morbidromantic/status/2214128353
I think I have watched every zombie movie out there... the good, the bad and the ugly lol.
I like the Resident Evil series, but my absolute favorites are the classics directed by George Romero...
Shaun of the Dead was funny, and I can see why lots of people loved it. It is amazing though to see how much cinema has changed and how realistic the zombies look in the newer high budget movies.
You know, I never thought much about zombie fiction before. Sure, I had read a few short stories in the Hot Blood Erotic Horror series but really didn't know there were zombie books out there-now I am checking out this thread, writing down names of books to check out so I can get my zombie read on! Thanks for having this giveaway, glad to see there are other zombie fans out there as well!
sent out a tweet http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/2214404760
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I dobn'ead but my step son in the army would love to get this in a care package
I'm not really into Zombie movies, but wasn't there some silly movie several years ago, about two guy's whose boss becomes a zombie?
Any way - I want to win this one for
I blogged about it here:
Suzanne--oh yes RE has eye candy! The first one has two guys who are well worth the drool factor. There's James Purefoy (from HBO's ROME, or he was Blackbeard in that docudrama...as well as other places) and then there's the boss with the bright baby blue eyes from Ugly Betty in it, who's name I never remember.
The second one has Oded Fehr (from the Mummy movies). ::swoon:: The third one also has Oded Fehr and he kind of rounds out the list of hotties. Though my boyfriend is pretty certain I have a crush on Milla Jovavich...I mean I love her movies and she IS awfully pretty...
Best way I found to screw up my courage to watch a movie I'll be scared of is to do it on the brightest, sunniest day you can possibly find. Then wear cheerful colors, have your favorite sugary treat and someone to trade one-liners with. When I watch my Korean horror films (which are so psychological more then visual) I find its easier if I have someone to make silly comments with.
Alternately I hear the RE novelizations were really well done...
I loved Dawn of the dead. I also have to say the Generation dead is a really good book.
I blogged about it here:
susan: I haven't seen either the first or the remake, but then I'm too wimpy when it comes to horror films :-) Thanks for entering.
Lori T: Mark Henry's series is on my wish list, I've heard a lot of great things about it, and I love his covers :-) Thanks for dropping by.
Rob: Mila is hot, [from anyone's perspective lol!] I loved her in The Fifth Element. And that's a great list of zombies there. Thanks for commenting :-)
Blodeuedd: Yes, the giveaway is open worldwide :-) I'm with you on the 'zombies are scary', thanks for entering.
Matt: I've not heard of World War Z. *makes note to look up* Thanks for commenting :-)
danie88: Like you I prefer my 'horror' with the added comedy, I think it gives you a bit of a rest from the tension :-) Thanks for dropping by.
PopinFresh: Fido does look like a cool zombie movie with a difference [and not too scary , maybe *g*] Thanks for the links :-).
Valorie: Ooh, zombie head bobbing!! Sounds like fun :-) Thanks for the links, Valorie.
Michele P: They can do so much fab stuff with today's CGI and special effects, can't they :-) Thanks for the tweet.
kathy55439: An extremely good reason for entering, Kathy, thank you :-)
Neas Nuttiness: Not sure what the movie was where the boss became a zombie, but it sounds like a good one lol! Thanks for dropping by and the links :-)
Lexie: James Purefoy - hot! And Oded Fehr has always been one of my top hotties *sigh* And thanks for the sunshine advice and the info on the RE novels, Lexie I'll have to give them a try :-) [And Milla, also HOT, definitely worth a girl crush *g*]
Alexa: Generation Dead does look really interesting [a girl with a living impaired boyfriend ...], thanks. And thank you for the links :-)
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