Giveaway: River Marked - Patricia Briggs

So this week (# 7) as part of my 16 weeks of giveaways to celebrate the releases of The Bitter Seed of Magic (out now UK!) and The Cold Kiss of Death(US edition out 26th April) I'm giving away River Marked by Patricia Briggs! But first I want to talk about BAKING! (It's relevant, so stay with me . . .:-D).

click to embiggen for the detailed zombie beauty!
Yep, this week it's all about the COOKIES, and CAKES, and all things . . . 
Whoa! Look!  


Don't you just love Cake Boss!

Next time I go to New York, I'm gonna go visit Buddy at his bakery and get me some of his cakes to try. nomnomnomnom. 

But what I'd really love to do is ask him to make a cake to celebrate my books . . . maybe something with red roses, skulls, ravens, vampires, witches, liquorice torpedoes,  goblins, bling, faeires, trolls, castles, the Tower of London . . . and everything and anything else that appears in my book.*g* Bet that would be some fantastic cake he'd come up with!!

Okay, here endeth my Cake Boss Fantasy, so it's back to the giveaway! Giveaway now closed.

River Marked is the 6th Mercy Thompson book! Patricia Briggs is one of my all time favourite authors, and I love the Mercy books. One of the things I love about Mercy is how she bakes at the drop of a hat (see, now the Cake Boss thing *is* relevant ;p), and here's a fab snippet*, in Adam's viewpoint, from Silver Borne, which shows Mercy's baking . . . and which going by the tiny hints I've heard about River Marked, is also very relevant to what happens in book 6 . . . bells, anyone? *Happy sighs, hopefully*

She smelled of burnt car oil, jasmine . . . and chocolate. Or maybe that last was the cookies on the plate she handed him. . . . He took the cookies back to the office with him. After a few minutes, he ate one. Chocolate, thick and dark, spread across his tongue, its bitterness alleviated by a sinful amount of brown sugar and vanilla. . . . She would never love him for what he could do for her.

Ooh, I can't wait! And as River Marked comes out on 1st March US (River Marked is out on the 3rd March in the UK) I don't have to much longer! Yay!

So, for a chance to win your own copy of River Marked* all you have to do is leave me a comment telling me what your favourite cake or cookie is. See simple :-)

How to enter:

Leave a comment with your favourite cake or cookie.
Please leave a way to contact you (email in comment: Please remember to replace @ with [at] to forestall spam - or your twitter name - no way to contact you - no entry).

Giveaway is international and closes end of day (GMT time) 3rd March 2011

Full General Terms and Rules at the bottom of this post here.

And don't forget to check out the Giveaway Schedule here. And so you don't miss out on a chance of winning any of the wonderful books in the coming weeks, why not follow me? (following is not a condition of entry).

Please note: My usual blog policy is that I try to reply to all comments on the blog, but for ease of admin I won't be replying to any comments made on any of the giveaway posts during the 16 weeks. Sorry, but it makes it much harder to sort out the winner. I will still continue to reply to comments on any other post, so if you have a question for me, leave it on one of those, thank you :-)

All book links lead to Amazon (UK/US) or the Book Depository, and contain affiliate links. I've decided to go affiliate as I love giving books away (and not just as a way of shameless self-promo), but boy does it get expensive.

*click on Zombie Cake link to watch more videos of Cake Boss cakes!
*"or" Winner can choose any of the previous books in the Mercy Thompson series, either for themselves, or to be sent to a friend :-). Lets share the Mercy and Adam love! *g* ETA: So sorry, my bad: this is supposed to mean that the winner can choose an alternative book from the Mercy Thompson series if they are not up to date with the series, or if they've already got River Marked, then they can choose to send their prize to a friend. (This is what happens when I blog during a weird hazy day when my brain isn't plugged in properly: I forget to add that all important little word "or". *sigh*) Again, so sorry for any confusion. Much as I'd love to give two books away, sadly the budget won't quite stretch to that with all the other giveaways I'm doing.
*snippet truncated :-)
x/posted to LJ. Comment here or there. One entry per person.


Unknown said...

Awesome cake, but WHOA frosting! I love oreo cookies and angle food cake. Regular cake with whipped frosting chilled from the fridge is to die for :)

robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com

Anonymous said...

My favorite cake is Black Forest Cake!

Jo said...

That cake is just WOW! How awesome!
See, it's when it comes to questions like this that I start to question my humanity. I don't like cake. Not at all. Unless it's a sugar ring doughnut. Otherwise, I won't touch them. Which just prooves how wonderful my Dad is, who would bake a themed cake I requested every year I was a child, even though I'd never eat it.
As for cookies, again, with biscuits, I'm not a big fan. I do like me som chocolate chip cookies, but I can't have just any. There are a few brands that work for me, but my favourites are Cadbury's Chocolate Chunk Cookies. They're massive, with great big chunks of chocolate, and I LOVE them! :D

Jo said...

Sorry, I forgot my email address... joannestapley[at]gmail[dot]com

Kate said...

A sour cream and lemon cake, sort of like pound cake only a bit less thick. and now I want some. NOW!

Except chocolate cake is pretty good stuff too.

The two flavors mixed would probably be ick, although that's combo described at the start of the book The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake.

But now I want the book and I want cake. . .

katerothwell at

Jojob said...

OOh i have this on order love love Patrica Briggs!!...

Hmm faviourite cake is my death by chocolate which is also wheat free for my wheat free friends.... nomnomnomnom

burridgejo78 at googlemail dot com

rissatoo said...

My favorite cookie is the basic Nestle Toll House chocolate chip, though @TestKitchen just posted a deluxe peanut butter and banana chocolate chip cookie recipe, from Cook's Country, that I'm dying to try out... mmm...!


Van Pham said...

I love chocolate cake, and oreo-ice cream cake.

There's a vietnamese fruit cake that I get every year for my birthday, which i loooove. It has freshly cut fruits on top of a crusted breading fill with custard. It's like a giant fruit tart haha.


3SpecialK said...

My favorite is carrot cake with a creamcheese frosting.

Anonymous said...

Yay for zombie cakes! :))) My fave is meringue cake - it's gorgeous, full of sweet buttery cream, light pastry base and crunchy meringues. Takes you half a day to cook though (only for special occasions)!

Anonymous said...

I love flour-less chocolate cake! It is so good, when done correctly!
My email is molly(at)mcsmith(dot)org.

Blodeuedd said...

I need this book so much, my heart ache for it :D

But fave cookie, hm, I did eat some lovely cookies once that I had won. Highland butter shortbreads or something like that. To do for

blodeuedd1 (at) gmail (dot) com

SusanKMann said...

That cake is truly awesome. Stunning. A cake combined the characters, speices in your book would be amazing. I can't wait to see that, you should get that done. What a great book you have in your giveaway. My favourite cake is a lemon cupcake, I love cupcakes the icing is the best. @susankmann x

Kristen said...

Fantastic cake! My favorite is simple - yellow cake with chocolate frosting yum! I also love chocolate chip cookies.

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Sage Ravenwood said...

All time favorite Cake is Coca-Cola cake. Even better with the Coca-Cola frosting. Absolutely awesome. Thanks for the opportunity.

ravensquietscreams(at)gmail dot com

Pam P said...

Cool cake. Chocolate cakes my face, especially German Chocolate Cake. Have to check out that Coke cake. Love Mercy Thompson, one of my favorite heroines

LadyVampire2u said...

My favorite cake is probably butter yellow cake with chocolate frosting. My favorite cookie is homemade chocolate chip cookies. We have a rockin recipe for those in my family.

LadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com

mariska said...

My favorite cakes : Oreo Cream Cake and Double Chocolate Brownies. Yummy !

uniquas at ymail dot com

I said...
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I said...

I don't really have a favorite cake but I'll eat anything made out of chocolate!

ihm19610 AT gmail DOT com

Sullivan McPig said...

Oh, I love that zombie cake!
And my favourite cookie is double chocolate chip.

pj schnyder said...

I love to bake too. :)

Hard to pick a fav between cakes or cookies because there's a time for each. :P

In cookies, nothing beats the simple but wonderful fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. I love them right out of the oven and barely set, ooey gooey and perfect.

In cakes, I bake a delicate golden cake perfect to eat on its own or with fresh strawberries tossed over the top and homemade whipped cream.

pjschnyder (at) gmail (dot) com

Dana said...
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Dana said...

My favourite cake is White vanilla!!!


BreiaB said...

My favorite cake is Red Velvet.

bbricke at yahoo dot com

tetewa said...

Pineapple Upside Down Cake is my favorite!

Mysteriousrose said...

For me it will always be Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Thank you for this giveaway I can't wait to read River Marked and I need to get copies of your books as well:-)


Mysteriousrose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Cheese I really would like cheese cake just thinking about it:-)


Mysteriousrose said...
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Anonymous said...

Anything with strawberries is my favorite, there's so many great cakes with strawberries.


koisoy said...

That's an amazing cake! My favourite is the Lemon Cheesecake made by a local tea/bakery place here in town.

Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait for this book!


Unknown said...

My absolute fav cookie is a fresh baked peanut butter that my friend Kathy then shapes into a well while it's still warm and then drops a Reese's peanut butter cup into.It's the most sinful thing I've ever eaten.I'm drooling just thinking about it....

Mariee said...

Great giveaway!

Snickerdoodle is my favorite cookie.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Suzy Turner said...

Unfortunately I recently discovered I have a gluten intolerance so I can no longer eat all my lovely favourite cakes! Serious bummer!
I LURVE vanilla slices but my all time favourite has got to be chocolate eclairs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Anonymous said...

German chocolate cake and Lemon, yummie!

But I am seriously confused by how cookies can be a part of the plot.. haha.

urbanreading (at) hotmail (dot) de

Tamara said...

I don't actually have a favorite cake but if I had to choose I'd go with... lemon pie.


Morgane said...

Un éclair au chocolat ! It's a french cake with a lot of chocolate and that's .. Yummyyyy ! Thanks for the giveaway

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