Genre for Japan - Bidding Open!

Genre for Japan is now open for bids. Bidding closes at midnight BST (GMT +1) on Sunday 3rd April.

There are 137 fantastic items listed for you to browse through. How to Bid details here.

To help, Genre for Japan have published an index of all the lots: you can click the link, or access it from anywhere on the site using the “Item Index” tab beneath the header.

There's everything from a Signed hardback copy of ANANSI BOYS by Neil Gaiman, Two days of Stephen Deas’s time (apparently he cooks green or brown glop!), to a Black canvas ACE / ROC logo bag and giant Jim Butcher poster.

Then of course, you can always bid on my lots, if you're so inclined :-):

For anyone! ~A character named after you in my next novel: The Shifting Price of Prey: Full details, and where to bid here. The bid doesn't say, but winning bidder will also be thanked in the acknowledgements, and receive a personalised, signed hardback copy of the book when released.

For writers! ~A 25,000 word critique of either a short story or the start of a manuscript: Full details, and where to bid here.

Thank you to everyone in advance for your generosity, should you decide you are able to bid, on whatever lots you choose. And please, if you can, help by passing the word around, and help Genre for Japan raise a lot of money to help those in need.

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